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9 C’s That Can Kill a Marriage

thurs thrive march 26

I’ve determined that these 9 C’s are things that can cripple, even kill, a marriage.

  1. Comparison: When we start asking our spouse, “Why can’t you be more like so-and-so?” or “Why can’t we be more like that couple?”, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Many of us have seen that sweet couple we may have envied go through a really nasty divorce later. Everyone has highlight reels of their life that they like to show in public; but remember, everyone has issues and challenges in their marriage. [Tweet This]
  2. Criticism: While constructive criticism can be helpful, even healthy, in a marriage, it has to be given sparingly and with great care and love. In our early years of marriage, I had a critical spirit toward Susan. It took me awhile to learn just how hurtful that was to Susan and to our relationship. When criticisms are the mainstay of the communication in a marriage, it only tears down…it does not build up. What is your compliment-to-criticism ratio?
  3. Carelessness: Careless words can’t be taken back once they are spoken. Careless words to your spouse, or about your spouse to others, can be devastating. And careless attitudes towards relationships with others outside your marriage can lead to all kinds of pain and suffering.
  4. Complacency: A comic from years ago showed a pollster going door-to-door asking the question, “What do you think about the topic of voter ignorance and apathy?” The person being surveyed replied, “I don’t know and I don’t care!” Complacency in marriage can lead to loneliness, bitterness, and indifference. [Tweet This] It can cause a slow and painful death of a relationship.
  5. Cynicism: Being cynical can develop over a long period of time. Sometimes it starts by assuming the best but being repeatedly disappointed by each other. Other times, it creeps up on us until we are finding ourselves constantly assuming the worst. When we grow cynical, we unfairly make it impossible for our spouse to surprise us, delight us, or demonstrate growth that would be healthy for the marriage.
  6. Craftiness: If one spouse is constantly deceiving the other or is manipulating circumstances for personal gain or to get the upper hand in the relationship, the marriage is in trouble. Craftiness can be manipulation of things big or small.
  7. Curtness: Are you curt or courteous to your spouse? When you are harsh, abrupt, or rude to your spouse, it can really devalue them. And when your spouse sees you being courteous to everyone around you except him or her, it conveys that you care about your relationship with nearly everyone else more.
  8. Clinging: When someone relies solely on their spouse for their happiness, they are setting themselves up for disappointment. Why? Because all people will eventually disappoint us in some way. Also, the spouse being relied on should not feel like they should have to carry the burden of always making the other happy. Naturally, marriage is designed to provide a great deal of happiness and fulfillment in life, but it cannot be the only source of our happiness. And the only one who can give us ultimate joy in life is God.
  9. Controlling: Control is an illusion, but it is such an addictive one. A controlling person is often a person who is not only disturbing but also selfish. And when one spouse tries to control the other, the life in the relationship can start to fade away. Trust and freedom in marriage are absolutely vital.

Notice that there is one big “C” that is NOT on this list? That C is conflict. All the other C’s above are never good. Conflict can be very damaging to a marriage as well, but it can also help a marriage grow. Since conflict is unavoidable in marriage, what matters is how we respond to and handle conflict.