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Dear Owasso Schools Parents and Patrons,
I cannot begin to thank you enough for your tireless support these past two weeks of not only Owasso Public Schools but for all of public education in the State of Oklahoma! Your understanding, financial sacrifice, and time to allow for our advocacy at the state capitol have
been hugely beneficial for Owasso Schools as well as for all public schools in our state. I also want to recognize and acknowledge the unique synergy that we have in Owasso that begins with community and school.
The key to our great school district has been this dynamic blend of city, community and school that makes us all proud Owasso Rams! Parents, patrons and educators pitch in to do whatever it takes to make sure our teachers and students are placed in the very best learning environment possible to ensure success. I know the past two weeks have placed great hardship on the entire Owasso
community and again I thank you on behalf of our entire staff and the Board of Education.
As Owasso educators and board members we now believe the progress that has been made at the legislative level has been historic and will have a positive effect on the future of public education in our state for many years to come. Record funding for education has been achieved by the actions at the Capitol over the past two weeks. As a result we believe the time has come for our students and staff to return to school. We will all continue to advocate for more funding now and in the years to come until an adequate level of funding is reached. Therefore, we will resume school next Monday, April 16th. The last day of school will be Friday, June 1st.
We will accomplish this schedule by adding 20 minutes to the start of each day and adding 30 minutes to the end of each day. Complete details are listed on our district website.
Again, our staff and I cannot begin to thank you enough for your continued support of Owasso Schools and cannot wait to get your kids back in their classrooms!
Dr. Clark Ogilvie