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Sara Reynolds joins the Christian Brothers Automotive team in Owasso.


Spotlight:  Sara Reynolds, Christian Brothers Automotive.  

02/20/2019 –  Christian Brothers Automotive in Owasso welcomed Sara Reynolds as a service writer in December.  Prior to joining Christian Brothers, Sara was the General Manager of Firehouse Subs in Owasso.

Christian Brothers is excited to add Sara to their team and asked her to share a few fun facts about herself…..

What do you do at Christian Brothers?

  • I am a service writer.

Where did you grow up?

  • I grew up in a small town out in Western Oklahoma called Okeene. It has a population of roughly 1,100 people. It is a very small farming community.

Where did you go to school? (High school/college)

  • I graduated high school in Okeene, Oklahoma. Afterward, I attended the Northern Oklahoma College/Oklahoma State University program. I am currently still a college student. Today I attend Tulsa Community College with a major in Criminal Justice.

How long have you lived in Owasso?

  • I have lived in Owasso for three years.

What brought you to Owasso?

  • I was a co-manager at a restaurant while attending school in Stillwater. The district manager asked me if I would like to move to Owasso to help run and open a restaurant. Having never been to Tulsa, or any of the surrounding suburbs, I said why not! After living here for a couple months I fell in love with the community and have been here ever since.

What’s your favorite color?

  • My favorite color would have to be a lighter turquoise.

What’s your dream car?

  • My dream car would be an Audi R8.

Who’s your favorite hero?

  • My favorite hero is an actual real life person. That person would be my momma. She has had it a little tough in life and never once did she fall down. She showed me what it takes to be a strong woman and mother.

What do you like most about your job at Christian Brothers?

  • My favorite part of working with Christian Brothers would have to be the amazing and uplifting power of support. The guy’s I work with are trustful, supportive and full of faith. I feel right at home.

What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

  • I love to do anything with my family. We could go shopping, out to dinner or even just on a walk and I love just getting the family time with them.

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

  • Actually, it may be.

Toilet Paper – Over or Under?

  • Toilet Paper was designed to go OVER.

Netflix or Cable?

  • Netflix! That way I don’t have to worry about commercials.

What’s the most ridiculous fact that you know?

  • I think it is a bit ridiculous that you can buy a pack of hot dogs, but can’t buy the same amount of hot dog buns that you need. In this day and age I would think we would have upgraded by now.

What’s the best purchase you’ve ever made?

  • My camera! Nowadays our phones have amazing cameras on them, but my actual Cannon camera has captured so many of the best memories my family and I have ever experienced.

If you could choose to have one superpower, what would it be?

  • That’s actually a tough one. I would love to be able to heal all the wounded babies and children in this world.

What were you doing before working at CBA?

  • I was a general manager for Firehouse Subs here in Owasso.

What’s something weird about Ray & Skylar that you think people should know?

  • They can sound almost exactly like Sloth from The Goonies. It is almost scary.

What’s something that you’re glad you tried, but won’t do again?

  • Eating Calf Fries! My family and friends back home are big into cooking and eating calf fries. Me on the other hand, am not.

What was your first car?

  • My first car was a 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix

Do you have a favorite food?

  • Anything Italian. I love pasta.

Pepsi or Coke?

  • Pepsi.

If you could travel anywhere for a vacation, where would it be?

  • Ireland! I would love to explore the entire country.

What are three things you couldn’t live without?

  • My family, coffee, and my camera.

What’s your favorite holiday?

  • Halloween.

What’s your favorite season?

  • I enjoy fall the most.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

  • Sitting down and watching Grey’s Anatomy for hours. I’m addicted.