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03/27/2019 – Today’s Hot Seat Questions are with Owasso Head Football Coach Bill Blankenship.

Thank you Coach  for playing along…..

1. Who is a role model in your life?
My father, Gerald Blankenship, is my role model.  He lived well.  He loved well. He finished well.  
2. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Samuel Jackson.  He is so cool.
3. Which household chores do you not mind?
Loading the Dishwasher (if you want it loaded correctly)     
4. What career would you like to have if you could not do your current one?
NBA Basketball Player
5. What is something on your bucket list?
Learn to play the guitar
6. What is something most people don’t know about you?
My jump shot is deadly from 3 point range
7. Dinner with a person (past, present, future) of your choice: Who would you pick and why?
President George H.W. Bush.  Part of the greatest generation.  Served his country.  Loved his wife.  Loved his family.
8. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Astronaut.   I was devastated when the dentist told me I was “missing” some adult teeth that never developed.  That alone, would disqualify me from astronaut training.
9. What is the weirdest food you have eaten?
Chocolate covered grasshoppers, Cauliflower Pizza crust,Tofu 
10. What is your favorite thing about Owasso?
That’s an easy one.    OWASSOISMS !!!