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Community Service – Volunteer Award

The Owasso Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution introduced their nominee for the Community Service – Volunteer Award for 2015-16 at the November 2, 2015 meeting.   The nominee for this year is Kaye Irene Gibson.  Regent Lori Fuller made the presentation.

 Kaye Gibson has been a valued volunteer, and  member of the Owasso Historical Society for many years.  Kaye was one of seven who formed the Historical Society in 1979.  The group and items continued to grow, and in 1987 the Historical Society bought the Komma Building and began to refurbish it to be used as a museum.  The help was all volunteer hours to accomplish this feat. Kaye, her husband, and other volunteers spent hundreds of hours to refurbish the building and make it into the museum it is today.  Kaye was instrumental in finding an artist to paint the mural on the north side of the museum which depicts “Owasso’s Main Street in 1907.”  This type of dedication is what is so special about Kaye.  She is an outstanding example of a community volunteer, and the Owasso Chapter is proud to award her the Community Service – Volunteer Award.