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ask the expertQuestion:

When I eat, my nose runs!  It’s so embarrassing that I feel I can’t go out to eat in public.  What can I do?  I have tried nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines.  Nothing works!




This condition sounds like gustatory rhinitis, which is treatable.  There are prescription nasal sprays that can be taken before meals that can help you regain your dining confidence!  They work differently than the nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines that you have been using to treat allergies.  Since they are only available by prescription, you need to speak with your doctor about them.  Your primary care doctor can prescribe them to you and make sure there is nothing else that may be contributing to your symptoms.  Don’t hesitate.  It’s an easy fix if that is truly what you have!       



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Bryan Smedley, D.O.

Ear, Nose & Throat Care

Utica Park Clinic – Owasso 

10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 220

Owasso, OK  74055

