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12/28/2017 – The Owasso Police Department made the rounds playing Santa this holiday season.

This was posted Thursday on their Facebook page:

Owasso Police were happy to play Santa’s Little Helpers this Christmas Eve and Christmas Day by visiting over 15 Owasso children and delivering presents!


Officers visited St Johns and Bailey Hospitals to find some kids stuck in the hospital over the holidays, and some of the children were selected by the School District after being determined to be in need.


No matter what the reason, nothing will make you smile like the face of a child, that wasn’t getting much for Christmas, light up from a police officer delivering them a new toy or present! Merry Christmas Owasso, from your Owasso Police!!

(While not everyone wished to be pictured, here are some of the kiddos that didn’t mind taking a pic with us)

Great job OPD.