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Owasso Police have issued a follow-up on the suspicious person reported at Target:

Suspicious Person – Target – Unfounded

10/09/2019 – On Sunday, October 6th, the Owasso Police Department was made aware of a suspicious man allegedly following a woman and her son inside Target in Owasso, causing her to fear for their safety. Obviously, a report of this nature is very concerning and it is taken seriously by the Owasso Police Department. The incident was investigated, which included a review of the video footage from the store. Investigators found no evidence to substantiate that the man intended any harm to the woman and it appears that he was just coincidentally shopping in some of the same areas as the woman. In the video, the man can be seen shopping, making his purchases and leaving the store without incident; in no way attempting to evade contact with employees or fleeing the scene in a suspicious manner.

As with many events shared on social media, the fear of the potential danger to loved ones can quickly outpace the reality of the situation while authorities work to determine what really happened. That being said, OPD would always prefer that people who see something suspicious err on the side of caution and report it to authorities. We would much rather receive a report that ends up being unfounded instead of having a real dangerous situation go unreported. Regardless of whether or not this event was shown to be unfounded, it still serves as a good reminder for shoppers to stay aware of their surroundings and keep an eye out for potential dangers. OPD and the public working in partnership is vital to keeping our community safe.