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Presence Theater Church 

by Anna Holton-Dean



Pastor Alvin and Lady Sennola Fruga

Whether you are looking for a church home or just curious what your options are in the Owasso area, Presence Theater Church invites you to check them out. Led by Pastor Alvin and Lady Sennola Fruga, Presence Theater is a multicultural, non-denominational church that is passionate about God, passionate about people and passionate about life! And they are celebrating seven years of ministry on Sunday, July 12th.

So what can you expect at Presence Theater Church? A look at their core values and mission offers great insight into this local ministry:

  1. Presence Theater Church is a place of exuberant praise, intense worship and creative expression. “We will never interrupt a move of God in our services,” Pastor Fruga says.
  2. Presence Theater Church is a multicultural community of believers and those seeking God—a real life example of the familiar song Jesus Loves the Little Children: “Red and yellow, black and white, they’re all precious in His sight…”
  3. Presence Theater emphasizes the importance of healthy family living in Christ.
  4. Presence Theater Church espouses complete faith in and total obedience to God’s Word—the standard by which they, as a church community, live their daily lives.

Finally, their mission is “To honor and celebrate the presence of God and build a people who passionately pursue His character in their everyday lives.”


With two convenient Sunday morning service times at 9 and 11 a.m., and a Wednesday evening “Soak” service from 7 to 8 p.m., Pastor Alvin Fruga says there’s an area of ministry for every age and member of the family.

The Worship and Fine Arts Ministry features a live band, singers, seasonal dance and Broadway-style productions during the Easter and Christmas holiday seasons. “We bring the theater at Presence Theater Church!” Pastor Fruga says.    

P.T. Kidz Club is the children’s ministry from birth to 11 years. Led by Children’s Ministry Director Jennifer Goines, children enjoy Bible lessons, games and snacks, all in a safe and loving environment.


L.I.F.T. Youth Ministry (Living In Faith Together) is highlighted by a Youth Impact Service, which takes place every 4th Sunday of the month. On this Sunday, youth lead worship, pray, give the welcome and serve in other areas during Sunday morning services.


P.T. Cruisers Ministry is for seniors, 55 years and older. This group gathers together for monthly fellowships.


Whether you’re a first time visitor, regular attendee, or a member, Pastor Fruga says, “Everyone who attends our services is considered a V.I.P.” You will be welcomed with big smiles and warm embraces. The slogan of Presence Theater Church is “Come Home to the Presence of God.” And Pastor Fruga, along with his congregation, will work hard to make sure you feel right at home.

Presence Theater Church is located at 12899 E. 76th St. N., in Owasso (the NW corner of 76th St. N. and 129th E. Ave.). 


For more information, visit presencetheater.org; email [email protected]; or call (918) 894-7037. You can also check them out on Facebook at facebook.com/Presence.Theater; follow Pastor Fruga on Twitter @afruga or download the Presence Theater podcast from iTunes.