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may 10 2018 FB



By: Mark Merrill

It’s interesting to me that when we want to express how important something is, we describe it as “the mother of all….” It reminds me that while dads are hugely important, of course, moms not only rock, they often are the rock!

This isn’t the only figure of speech that celebrates moms. So as we anticipate Mother’s Day this year, let’s look at a few other phrases that point us to some of the many ways in which moms play such an important part in children’s lives. And let’s not forget the many women who may not have a direct family link, but who have been loving mother figures to others, nurturing and loving.

Perhaps thinking of some of the different ways “mother” is used will spark a new appreciation for what your mom may have given in your life or help you and your children to come up with some creative ways to celebrate the woman who is now their mom. Maybe reflecting on how moms the word in some different ways will help you ensure she is honored well, and even inspire 4 meaningful ways to honor your mother on Mother’s Day. The ideas that follow could be part of your purposeful celebration.

Mother Lode.

It may be hidden, but it’s the richest vein of ore to be found. It’s the source, the seam of the greatest treasure. And isn’t that so true of moms—much of what they do is never noticed or acknowledged, but it’s to be found deep in the bedrock of your family. In a million small ways, she is part of the foundation on which your home is built. And while we are here, let’s not forget the mother load that she carries so often! It’s one thing to ease that burden on Mother’s Day by maybe taking over her chores, but what about the rest of the year? Do you need to pick up the slack so she isn’t carrying so much? Read How to Be a Team Player in Your Home for some more direction.


This central part of a computer is its heart which enables all the other programs to keep running well. Similarly, moms seem to have a unique ability to operate on so many levels simultaneously. They’re aware not only of who needs to be doing what when, but how they are feeling about it, too! I know I’m not alone in appreciating my wife’s skill and my mom’s skill for constantly being attuned to and connecting with the different emotional needs of our family. Let’s just remember that being alert on so many fronts like this can be exhausting. Do you encourage her to ensure she gets some Sabbath rest?

Mother Ship.

From here, people set out in smaller crafts to find their own way, knowing they can always return for supplies, support, and sustenance. One of the greatest gifts a child can have is a mother who knows how to help them hoist their sails and strike out on their own while always knowing they have the home port to go back to. This is selflessness at its richest.

Mother Tongue.

There can be no communication without a common language, and as an American with a British friend, I know that people can use the same words and mean different things. That’s why it is so important to have someone who knows what you really mean and who can talk to you in ways you understand. Moms have a gift for “reading between the lines” of what their children are saying and speaking so that they connect—whether that’s through words or actions. How about giving her some special words of appreciation; here’s how to create A Compliment Bouquet for Mother’s Day.

Mother of Pearl.

This timeless piece of jewelry has a quiet elegance and beauty—and it’s created by putting up with a lot of irritation, as the mollusk coats the particle of sand trapped in its shell. Sound familiar, at all? Here’s to all the moms who handle so many challenges and situations that could rub them the wrong way, but manage to continue to offer grace, gentleness, and a glowing inner beauty like that of a beautiful pearl.



