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For Adults


Fiction Addiction: Adult Book Club Monday, Jan. 13 • 6-7 p.m. Love talking about books? So do we! Join us to discuss “The Story of Arthur Truluv” by Elizabeth Berg. Reserved copies of the book are available at the Owasso Library. For adults.


For Teens and Tweens


Workshop: Short Story – Get Ready for the Young People’s Creative Writing Contest! Tuesday, Jan. 14 • 5-6 p.m. Do activities and receive useful tips on how to write a short story. Paper and pens will be provided. The workshop is intended to help participants prepare for TCCL’s annual Young People’s Creative Writing Contest. Winners of the contest receive a cash prize. Registration is encouraged, as supplies are limited. Register at www.tulsalibrary.org/events or call 918-549-7323. For ages 10-18.


In the Middle: Tween Book Club Thursday, Jan. 16 • 6-7 p.m. Join us as we discuss “Ghost” by Jason Reynolds and enjoy snacks and an activity. For ages 9-12.


Workshop: Informal Essay – Get Ready for the Young People’s Creative Writing Contest! Tuesday, Jan. 21 • 5-6 p.m. Do activities and receive useful tips on how to write an informal essay. Paper and pens will be provided. The workshop is intended to help participants prepare for TCCL’s annual Young People’s Creative Writing Contest. Winners of the contest receive a cash prize. Registration is encouraged, as supplies are limited. Register at www.tulsalibrary.org/events or call 918-549-7323. For ages 10-18.


Workshop: Poetry – Get Ready for the Young People’s Creative Writing Contest! Tuesday, Jan. 28 • 5-6 p.m. Do activities and receive useful tips on how to write a poem. Paper and pens will be provided. The workshop is intended to help participants prepare for TCCL’s annual Young People’s Creative Writing Contest. Winners of the contest receive a cash prize. Registration is encouraged, as supplies are limited. Register at www.tulsalibrary.org/events or call 918-549-7323. For ages 10-18.


For Children


Early Reader Book Club Monday, Jan. 6 • 4:30-5:30 p.m. This is our book club for the earliest readers! Kindergarten through second-grade readers will enjoy books read aloud and then participate in an activity related to one of the books.


Build A Reader Storytime: Babies & Toddlers Tuesdays, Jan. 14, 21, 28 • 10-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 14, 21, 28 • 10:30-11 a.m. Ready, set, READ! This beginning storytime focuses on helping your baby or toddler develop important literacy skills while emphasizing the fun of reading. For ages birth-2.


Build A Reader: Stay and Play Tuesdays, Jan. 14, 21, 28 • 11-11:30 a.m. Playing is learning! Join us for games, toys and activities that foster critical early literacy skills. For ages birth-5.


Build A Reader Storytime: Preschool Wednesdays, Jan. 15, 22, 29 • 10-10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Jan. 15, 22, 29 • 10:30-11 a.m. The best in children’s literature, songs, games, finger plays, rhymes and other reading-related activities are shared with your preschooler. For ages 3-5.


Build A Reader: Stay and Play Wednesdays, Jan. 15, 22, 29 • 11-11:30 a.m. Playing is learning! Join us for games, toys and activities that foster critical early literacy skills. For ages birth-5.


Build A Reader Storytime: Family – Bedtime Stories Thursday, Jan. 23 • 6:30-7 p.m. Bring the whole family for this 0-to-5 storytime! There’s something for everyone – simple songs and books for the little ones, more interactive stories and activities for your older children. Children are welcome to wear their pajamas!


Family Play Date Friday, Jan. 24 • 10:30-11:30 a.m. Playing is learning! Come and play with educational toys and make new friends in a laid-back play group atmosphere. We will have dramatic play centers, blocks and manipulatives, transportation toys, music, puzzles and gross-motor toys for you to explore and play with your child! For ages birth-5. No registration required.