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dar1Dr. Orriene First Denslow spoke about “Women on the Mayflower” to the Owasso Chapter, NSDAR at the November 7, 2016 meeting.  Dr. Denslow gave interesting information about each of the 17 women who came on the voyage.  These 17 women, ages approximately 3-17 years’ old,  are not mentioned much in the history books but they were important to the settlement in the new world. 

Martin Smemoe (not pictured), United States Air Force,  was given recognition for his service during the Vietnam War era.  He was presented with a pin by Regent Linda Ward.  His wife Carol was with him.

Paul Shireman was this year’s nominee for the Community Service Award.  dar2Mr. Shireman has headed the tax program at the Owasso Community Center for years.  He trains all workers and helps them do their job and they help others in the community with tax preparation.  He is a valuable asset to the community.  It was a pleasure to meet him and his wife Norma.

dar3Robyn Collins is the newest member of Owasso Chapter and was inducted in as a member of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.

Another guest was Owasso High School Good Citizen MacKenzie Oestreich. dar4